全国统一学习专线 8:30-21:00

随着国际禁令解封,现在很多人都在为出国留学做打算,但出国留学外语是必备的,今天就随小编来了解一下雅思口语高频话题,还有这些周末就考雅思了,跪求口语part2描述一个喜剧演员的范文一篇,万分感谢。,干货|雅思口语高频短语及高级句型常用表达,雅思口语基本问题回答 谢谢 在线等!!!!,雅思口语救命包:70个重点话题 ,900句高分例句全汇总!!!,雅思口语考试有哪些高频话题,雅思实战:盘点口语考试中25个经典话题?? 也是大家所关心的




在备考的过程中,很多烤鸭可能觉得口语嘛,准备准备范文背背就可以了,其实并不是这个样子的,一些高频的短语以及高级的句型表达如果你运用好的话,很容易上分。【以下为正文】一、雅思口语高频短语表示原因1、There are three reasons for this.2、The reasons for this are as follows.3、The reason for this is obvious.4、The reason for this is not far to seek.5、The reason for this is that.6、We have good reason to believe that.表示好处1、It has the following .2、It does us a lot of good.3、It benefits us quite a lot.4、It is to us.5、It is of great benefit to us.表示坏处1、It has more than .2、It does us much harm.3、It is harmful to us.表示重要、必要、困难、方便、可能1、It is important/necessary/ difficult//possible for sb. to do sth.2、We think it necessary to do sth.3、It plays an important role in our life.表示措施1、We should take some effective measures.2、We should try our best to overcome /conquer the .3、We should do our utmost in doing sth.二、雅思口语高级句型表达1) which 从句——6分保底。考官一般很喜欢这个句式,如果你用到它,考官脑中一般马上反应:嗯,这个考生语法也许在6分以上。Which从句可以分成两种情况:修饰先行词和修饰前面整个意群。a. 修饰先行词:例:Where are you from?I’m from Shanghai,which is the biggest city in China, located in the east coastal area.这里的which修饰的是先行词Shanghai。大家可以把这个句子背下来,因为在口试当中,问到where are you from?的可能性还是很大的。其实,除了这个题目外,还有很多题目的回答可以用到这个句式,大家可以具体去发现。如:what’s your favorite dish? 答:My favorite dish is Stirred-fried shrimps, which is a local specialty。b. 修饰整个意群:例:How do you think about your job?My job is really boring, you have to do the same thing everyday, which is one of the major reasons leading to the loss of .这是一个7分的句式,因为which修饰的是整个意群(上面修饰先行词为6分),即:My job is really boring, you have to do the same thing everyday,能够体现出考生灵活使用复杂句式的能力。没有大局观的人,是很难把这个句子说对的。在这种情况里,which一般翻译为:这(种情况、事情......),起到总结归纳的作用。比如:Our has realized the problem and is taking measures to deal with it, which is a good sign, but if we don’t do it in a way, I’m afraid the could still be lethal. 已经意识到这个问题,正采取措施解决,这是个好兆头。但如果我们措施不够科学,恐怕结果依然是致命的。三、雅思口语考试专用万能句1.Could you please that question/topic?你能转述一下刚才的问题/话题吗?2.I’m not exactly sure what you mean ...我不确定...是指代什么意思。3.I’m not exactly sure how to answer that question, but perhaps我不知道该如何回答这个问题,但也许...(后接一些比较浅显的观点)4.That’s rather difficult question, but I wonder if could give me more about that.这是一个相当难的问题,但我想知道是否能给我更多关于那个的信息。5.I’m sorry, but I don’t know much about...对不起,我不太了解...6.Give me a few seconds for me to search every piece of in my head.请给我几秒钟,让我搜索一下大脑中的每一条信息。7. Have I given enough ? It would be great if you could give me more.我了解了足够的信息吗?如果你能给我更多一点的信息就好了。8.Now you want me to talk about it. But I don't have too much to say.现在你要我谈论这个话题,但是我没有太多的观点去陈述。9.Give me a few seconds for me to organize my thought a little bit.请给我几秒钟让我整理一下我的思路。10.It is an abstract question. I know little about it.这是一个很抽象的问题,我对它了解的不是很深。11.Let me put it another way...让我换一种方式去说...12.What I’m is...我想说的是...13.What I’m getting at is...我想要表达的观点是...14.Perhaps I should make that clearer by saying...也许我可以通过说明...来使我之前的陈述更加清楚。15.Perhaps it would be more accurate to say...也许我这么说能够更加的准确...当然如果你有机会跟着口语老师进行学习的话,效果肯定是最好的,老师可以结合你的实际情况进行针对性的提升。以上分享如果你觉得对你有所帮助,记得点赞收藏~因为你可能滑着滑着就找不到了。有需要的可以私信领取~

3.雅思口语基本问题回答 谢谢 在线等!!!!

雅思口语高频话题:Film电影Film,电影。这是6、7月的口语考试中,经常考到的一个口语话题卡。手里正好有现成的样板答案,我稍微编辑了一下,拿出来跟大家分享。答案来自以前强化班的一个学生--- Cindy。Cindy口语不错,加上准备充分,去年的时候口语考了个7.5,现在正在我最喜欢的(没有之一)St Andrews(圣安德鲁斯)念书。在此向她表示感谢。Describe the type of film you most enjoy watching.You should say:what this type is①what the of this type are②when you last watched this type③and explain why you like this type.④① Among all types of films, I like war films best.② The first obvious feature of war films is that it involves at least one hero in the story, who is often brave, smart and unselfish. In addition, the battle scenes which involve large number of soldiers, planes and weapons vividly present a picture of what wars were actually like.③ Recently, I watched a war film named Assembly directed by the famous Chinese director Feng Xiaogang. It was a drama about a soldier of a People's Army unit during the civil war in the 1940s. The soldier, once a company commander, devotes his life to redeeming the honor of fellow soldiers who are declared missing in action. The film has been called the Chinese version of“Saving Private Ryan”, and indeed, the film looks like seriously brutal stuff.④ I like war films first because I can learn more about history through watching this kind of film. And I am in historic wars and battles, like the battle of Somme and so on. War films present to us a vivid picture of how brutal a war can be. Besides, I can the bravery and of those heros in war films, like the captain in the Hollywood hit Saving Private Ryan. Part 3: Films in General 1. What types of film are most popular in China? There's no one type of film which is the most popular in China actually. Chinese audiences like all kinds of film: comedy, tragedy, detective film.etc. I guess new year films are most popular. They're kind of domestic-made big budget fims. It has somehow become a cultural in China for audiences to cram into the cinema to watch those films specially made for the new year season. 2. Do Chinese people like going to the cinema to see films? ? Yes. The price of the ticket is in China, more and more people like going to the cinema to the real life sound and larger than life size screen. Generally speaking, Chinese people like going to the cinema to see films because you are more involved in the film and the helps you focus your attention on the film and enjoy it. When a is on in China like Assembly or Lust, Caution, many people go to the cinema to watch them. 3. Compare the films that older people like to watch with those that younger people like. Mostly, older people like slow tempo movies with classic plot, for example: movies about animals and novels...Younger people like anything, from movies to horror movies. Mostly, older people like slow movies with not-so-abstract plots, like movies about novels and events. And they always prefer comedies to tragedies. Compared with them, younger people have a broader range of taste. They like almost all kinds of films, romance, sci-fi and action movies. 4. How has science and affected the way films are made today? Computer is playing a more important role in today's films to make special effect. Special effect makes the films more exciting. With the of science and , film studios are able to create more vivid picture of scenes in the fictions. Such enables more companies to produce more sci-fi movies, like the ET and Star Wars series.

4.雅思口语救命包:70个重点话题 ,900句高分例句全汇总!!!



准备雅思的口语考试这一部分,需要大家先做好功课,保证自己能够比较自如的应对常见的话题。今天小唯就为大家带来雅思口语考试高频话题有哪些?  常见话题 : 1. Tell me something about your work? 2. Tell me about your studies? City 3. Tell me about the city you come from. 4. What do you think about the lifestyle in the city? Cooking 5. Do you like cooking? 6. When do you usually cook? Describe a shop What are the and of online shopping ? Why men don’t like shopping? Do you often go shopping ? Why do you like it? Do you think that it is good for children to go shopping ? What type of shop is close to your house? What type of shop do you usually go? What is the between going to the and going to a small shop? Why some people don’t like shopping? Describe your favorite magazine and newspaper. What is your favorite magazine and newspaper? What do you get from the magazine? What kind of people read the magazine? How popular is the magazine? Why? What is the between magazine and newspaper? How does the media affect the people? Do people read a lot of newspaper? When did you start to read newspaper? Do you like local or news?  表达技巧  一、话题点分别表达  很多话题中包含两个话题点,当遇到这类话题的时候,考生通常选择比较片面的回答。如Do you like to watch sports on TV? 考生则往往侧重于sports而非TV进行回答--No, not really. I do not like sports. Instead of sports, I like reading. I am in comic books, which own loads of pictures. 这样的回答看似完整,其实已经跑题了。话题变成了谈论兴趣爱好。虽然连贯性仍旧很好,但是考官可能就一头雾水了。 Do you like to watch sports on TV? No, not really. I am in various kinds of sports. However,I am fond of doing sports like jogging by myself instead of watching TV. When it comes to TV, I seldom watch it, let alone watching sports programs on TV.  按照以上这样先对体育进行回答,进而回答电视,就可以进行更有理据的表达了。  二、抽象词具体化  面对抽象问题,如果考生同样用抽象的方法进行回答,这样不仅不能够把问题表达清楚,同样的,考生也会感觉自己能够说的点少之又少。但是如果能够把抽象问题具体的分类进行表达的话,话匣子自然而然就可以打开了。如What do you do in your spare time? 什么是spare time,如果笼统的回答的话,可能就变成了日常生活活动---In my spare time, I will read some books, watch movie and sometimes go shopping.如果再具体说下去,也基本上是添加一些日常可能的活动,考生自己都会感觉这样的列举让回答显得比较单调。  三、个人身份具体回答  由于部分主要为针对个人问题的回答,如果考生按照通常感受进行回答的话,通常会缺乏观点,因而导致夸张而不真实的回答。如对于近期热门的工作学习类话题中的问题Who is more important to you in terms of study, teachers or ? 很多学生表示会说老师,理由通常为They teach me knowledge and give me a lot of in my study. In a word, they help me a lot. 这样回答的同学占了绝大多数,可想如果考官多次听到这样的回答会是多么的厌倦。因此,建议考生要按照自己的特定身份进行特定的回答,讲讲自己身边的实事和事实,这样话匣子会比较容易打开。  如对于很多生来说,通常的感觉是同学对自己的帮助更大,能够及时给予帮助,而老师基本上完课就很难再次联系到了。由此,我们可以按照自己的身份进行如下回答:As an , tend to be more important to me. As for teachers, they are hardly to be found when I get some questions to ask. However, are more . I am able to ask them questions at any time coz we usually study together in the library.  当然,如果是高中生的话,情况可能就大不相同了。 As a senior high school student, teachers are more important. When it comes to , I would say we seldom talk about study during the short class break. Instead study problems, we would have a brief chat together. However, teachers are usually in the office. Once we get any question, we can seek them for help as soon as possible and get the most .


雅思口语备考时练习口语话题是不可少的。越是经典的口语话题练习越是能让考生在尽可能少的时间下取得最大的成效。大家可以在自己的雅思口语练习中对这些题目进行适当的关注,这样就能更好的应对雅思口语考试了。1. Is there anywhere you would like to visit on your holidays? Where and why?2. Let's talk a little about traveling and transport. For long trips, how do you prefer to travel?3. Tell me about the kind of you live in, either this country or in your hometown。4. Let's talk about your hometown or village. What kind of place is it?5. What do you usually do in your holidays?6. Why do you think trains are better than buses?7. Can you tell me something about your family? 8. Do you have children?9. What is your child's name?10. What is your son/daughter like? Tell me about his/her 。11. What does your wife/husband do for a living?12. When did you get married?13. Tell me something about your wedding, please. Did you have any kind of ceremony?14. What did you/your wife wear on your wedding day?15. Where did you go for your honeymoon?16. Did you have to ask for from your parents before you got married?17. Could you tell me what happens at a wedding in your country?18. What kind of parent do you intend to be?19. What hope or fears do you have for your children?20. What sort of culture do you hope your child will grow up in?21. As a parent, do you plan to raise your child from how your parents raised you?22. How different is your life from the lives of your parents?23. Are you going to bring up your child ? How?24. Are you going to bring up your child from the way you were brought up? How?25. Do you enjoy shopping?今天的内容就奉上这么多,话题练习需要大家好好消化。更多内容,请见下期原创课堂~SEE YOU下面是我的微信有学习上的问题可以私信我学术上的问题更阔以共同探讨▼


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