全国统一学习专线 8:30-21:00

随着国际禁令解封,现在很多人都在为出国留学做打算,但出国留学外语是必备的,今天就随小编来了解一下雅思口语朋友,还有这些寻找雅思口语小伙伴,急寻雅思口语互练伙伴!10月份考!目标7.0!,由于要考雅思,急找一个外国朋友练口语,请考过雅思的朋友分享一下,雅思口语怎么练习?怎么才能够学的更好?,雅思口语Part1-Friend,雅思口语part1:friend,雅思口语流程问题有哪位朋友知道啊?可以介绍吗?,雅思口语话题朋友与友谊?? 也是大家所关心的






其实我认为学习雅思口语最好的方法还是多开口去练! 每年的口语话题基本都差不多!考来考去就那么几个大类!建议还是先多背范文(比如你们地区上个月的雅思考题)! 其实口语类除了坚持不断的练习,没有什么很特别的捷径! 雅思口语更加需要你扎实的去练,去说!,最重要的是要自己确实的去扎实的练习了,真真自己去开口说了,不然学什么都白搭!只有坚持每天认真的练习,才会有实质的提高!! 推荐一个软件练习!里面有大量的雅思口语范文,自己先去背熟它,会对雅思口语有好处!软件还带有语音识别功能,可以结合正在练习的资料去加强,反正都善加利用吧! 软件去搜索“免费雅思口语模考”就可以找到了!


就我所知,个人英语水平一般总分只有6.5,口语有7分,不过对雅思口语还是比较有感触的~~~简单说就是不要想准备到原题,多背点单词短语才是硬道理~! 考试之前我也多怕口语的,生怕问到什么我说不来,准备了很多话题,什么名人,好朋友,电影,书籍,旅游,音乐等等,结果正式考试的时候一个没用上,全部是临场发挥。 不过问问同学,他们大多数都没被问到准备过的话题。现在考官也聪明了,问的问题都比较具体,基本上你不可能准备到的。比如我准备的sports类,我就准备了一个喜欢的运动,台球。结果抽到的topic是exciting sport,就无语了,只有马上想。有的问题问的也比较无厘头,什么do you like eat fruits and ;do you like write letters or Email?还有些问题比较有深度但是很具体,比如why do many people like dangerous sports? ; Do you think the should regulate dangerous sports? ; what quality should people have if they play dangerous sports? 你想想看,这么具体的问题你可能准备得到吗? 不过可能正是因为临场发挥所以分数才比较理想。 你想考官每天面对那么多考生,要是背的答案肯定一听就听出来了,这种答案没有新意不说,老外还觉得你在作弊,因为在他们看来口语就是一次聊天,不需要额外准备topic的。所以有个性的答案很容易出彩,并且当你真正在一边思考一边和他聊天的时候,他会觉得你的英语水平可以进行正常的交流,而不是简单的背诵,这样自然分数就提高了。 我推荐你去买一本慎小嶷的《十天突破雅思写作》,虽然是写作,但是里面有很实用的单词和短语和句型,并且都是关于雅思话题的,抓紧一点一个月应该正好背完~!里面的内容非常实用,背了之后到考场不管问什么你都有东西可以说。我就是用的这本书哈~ 确定是哪儿都能找到雅思口语,原因是雅思口语很容易找的,而且雅思口语现在也不是太难找。关于找具体的雅思口语,我建议你到这里看看雅思口语,之所以这里的雅思口语比较全,其他地方的雅思口语网,可能不如这里的雅思口语全面,确定是哪儿都能找到雅思口语,原因是雅思口语很容易找的,而且雅思口语现在也不是太难找。关于找具体的雅思口语,我建议你到这里看看雅思口语,之所以这里的雅思口语比较全,其他地方的雅思口语网,可能不如这里的雅思口语全面 若还有其他疑问,可以跟“北外雅思”的老师联系


What do you think makes good friends?Well, there are two I care most about. For one, being helpful and is a sign of a real friend.Besides, a good friend should be a good listener, the one who I can tell anything to, my hopes, dreams, and fears without worrying they will judge me.Do you keep in contact with friends from your childhood?Yes, I have several friends that I still keep in contact with until now. Well, we are in the same primary school, but after that, we went to different schools and different major. , thanks to the of social media like WeChat and QQ, we can keep in contact with others although, in different cities, I think distance and time haven't change anything.What kinds of people do you like to make friends with?As for me, I think the first and most important is honest. Because I don't like people deceive me, I also like to make friends with those similar in age or have the same interests with me because we can do many things together and have many common topics. For example, I like , and if my friends also like , we can visit other provinces and even travel abroad together, that would be fun and cool.Do you think you are a good friend to others?Well, I think I can say I am a good friend, you know, I always treat my friends truly. I haven't deceived them and I will help them if they are in troubles. What's more, I think I am a capable person so I would get my friends' emotions and I will know what they would like to say before they speaking. For example, last Monday I took care of my friends who had a sore throat so that he couldn't speak, but I can fully what he would gonna say and handy him the proper things.


  同学们都知道在雅思口语Part1中最常考察的就是一些personal questions,例如个人喜好或者是习惯。如果雅思口语话题中的问题是生活中能经常接触到的比如接下来会讲到的friends,那在总结素材时就会有很多内容可以补充,但如果只是平铺直叙的回答岂不是浪费了这个可以“浪”一下的机会来让自己提分。如何能将平淡的语言化腐朽为神奇呢,同学们除了可以提高单词使用的灵活度外,还可以在回答的过程中多穿插一些复杂句式。当然最重要的还是要注意时态的变化。 How often do you go out with friends? [Why/Why not?]  Well, I have to say I’m quite an outgoing person and I spend a lot of time hanging out with my friends. I guess I will go out with friends every week if both of us have time for such leisure. Since we are all busy with our study and work every day, it is quite important for us to spare some time for pure enjoyment without worrying about pressure from , teachers and other kinds of laborious stuff. And a gathering on weekends is quite an to escape from them and enjoy ourselves.  Tell me about your best friend at school.  如果自己身份已经不是学生,注意时态应该为过去。  My best friend at school is one of my roommates, with whom I spent quite a happy 4-year campus life. He was a man who strictly followed his routine in terms of daily schedule for and study, about which I have to admit that I am kind of a spoiled kid obeying no rules. I should learn to make plans for my life from him. Also, he is also a man with traits that you can never find from a dull clockwork person. The other two roommates and I myself are always by his stories about all kinds of things with wit and humor into sleep. Without him, I can not have such a school life. How friendly are you with your neighbors? [Why/Why not?]  To be honest, I do not know too much about my neighbors as we seldom meet each other, for which getting along is beyond . The current design of Chinese separate families into a kind of cells. They are all isolated from the community as a whole. The doors just keep everybody out of the territory of folks. Therefore I cannot say I am quite familiar with my neighbors.Which is more important to you, friends or family? [Why?]  I believe these two all mean a lot to a person’s life and it is extremely hard to weigh one against another. We are bonded with our family by blood since the very beginning of our life and they accompany us through all hardships and gaiety. As for friends, we make with them as we grow older and they are the people we spend most of the time outside our home. Unlike our family, they could share insights with us from a quite different , which can be in many cases.  Part1的答案长度一般在3-5句话之间,但在准备素材的时候我们尽量要让答案丰满起来,才能保证在真正考试的时候即使紧张忘记一些细节也能保证有足够的内容来回答。




环球雅思培训小编要分享的是雅思口语备考类:雅思口语话题朋友与友谊1、Do you often spend time with friends?1)主导信息:"Which friends do you often spend time with?"以及"How much time do you spend with them?"2)附加信息:"What kind of things do you do together?","Where do you usually go together?"以及"Are most of your friends male or female?"Yeo,Liu Kai is the one l often stay with.We play tennis on campus two to three times a week. He is better at playing tennis than l am,so he often ehowe me the right to improve my .Sometimes we would like to take a break and have a chat over drinks.We talk about sporte news,our future plans,learning,and even about our teachers.We always have a good time together.2、Did you meet most of your friends through school/work?1)主导信息:大多数朋友都是在学校里或工作中认识的,这是最普通的渠道。2)附加信息:还有许多别的方法交上新朋友,如on the Internet,through clubs and sports teams及 through by mutual friends等.所以在提供主要信息之后,别忘了谈谈通过这些特殊渠道认识的朋友。Yes,most of my friends are my ,or former ,since we are very likely to have more time to spend together.And needs time and effort to flourish.But nowadays l also meet new friends on the Internet,or through clubs and sports teams,by which we can still share many things and have a lot of fun together.3、Do you and your friends have similar hobbies and interests?朋友之间很可能有些共同的兴趣和爱好,但很难说在多大程度上是一致的。志趣不同的朋友也有很多。比较一下你和某个朋友之间兴趣的程度差异应不失为很有创意的回答.Yes,I think general I have similar hobbies and interests with my friends.But I don't think friends have to share the same hobbies or something.One of my friends and I both like music and films,but l prefer classical music and romantic ones while he loves rock and roll and enjoys sports more than I do.4、Do you spend more of your free time with friends or with family?1)主导信息:“How much time do you spend with each group of people and why?"已及“What daily routines do you do with them?"2)附加信息:"Do you do different things with each group?及Where do you spend time with each group?"注意:很多考生都把这一问题理解成"Do you love your friends more than your family2"或者“Do you prefer to spend your free time with your friends or your family?"但这两种理解都偏离了题意。5、Do you have any friends who live/work far away from you?在现代社会中,因工作和学习之故,很多朋友都离你很远:而且由于通讯技术发达,交上外国朋友也全在情理之中。因此,在主导信息中给出肯定的回答之后,附加信息可谈谈"how often you see these friends,chat with them on the phone or send e-mails to these people",也可说说"what you discuss about".Yes,I have a few friends who live far,far away from me now.Some have gone abroad for further education,others are my former or teachers.I don't chat with them on the phone or even on-line because of the time .When I am free in the evening,they are at work.When they finish work,I am asleep.We do send e-mails to each other,but not very regularly.6、How important are friends to you?/Has it always been that way?1)主导信息:用程度副词和形容词来说明朋友的价值。2)附加信息:“"When do you need your friends and what's the between your needs of them and that of your family?"Friends are very important to me. is what I value most.When l am with my friends, I am happy and time passes quickly.When I feel miserable or depressed,my friends to comfort me.When I am in trouble,I may turn to my friends for help.And of course, I would do the same for them just as they do for short,friends are the most important part of my life.And I have always cherished the valuable . is very important to me.l can talk with my friends about my family,my worries, or my plans.They give me a lot of advice and support.I can share my happiness or sadness with them.Without friends,it is very difficult to survive in modern society,which is full of and struggle.


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