全国统一学习专线 8:30-21:00

随着国际禁令解封,现在很多人都在为出国留学做打算,但出国留学外语是必备的,今天就随小编来了解一下常见雅思口语话题,还有这些雅思口语常见话题(一),雅思口语救命包:70个重点话题 ,900句高分例句全汇总!!!,雅思口语考试要准备的话题(详细),雅思口语话题,雅思口语话题卡,雅思口语题库9-12月最新汇总+最全分类话题语料,雅思实战:盘点口语考试中25个经典话题?? 也是大家所关心的


第1部分中的问题是关于你生活的一般主题。你的答案来自你的生活和经验。没有正确或错误的答案。以下是part 1常见的话题:· About you· Study· Work· Your town· Free time· Holidays· Places to go in your free time· Transport· Shopping· Your · Reading· Sports and you· What is your (full) name?· Can I have your name please?· Could you tell me your full name please?· What shall I call you?· How can I address you?· Does your name have any special meaning?· Is your name important to you?· Do Korean people like changing their name? Why?· Have you ever changed your name? Why or why not?· Why do so many people change their name?· Do you work or study?Study· What are you studying?· What’s your major?· Why did you choose that subject?· What do you find most about your course?· What is your favorite subject?· What do you dislike about your study?· What do you hope to do after your ?· What are your ambitions for the future?· Do you hope to gain any ?· What are the of studying instead of working?Work· Can you describe your job to me?· What do you do for a living?· How long have you been doing it?· Can you describe one of your typical working days?· What’s your daily routine on a working day?· Why did you choose to do that job?· What things do you enjoy about your work? Why?· What do you think is the of your work?· What is your ideal job?· Do you want to change your current job? Why or why not?· Are you willing to keep your job ?· What are your plans for the future?Your town· Can you describe your town or village to me?· Tell me something about your hometown.· Where are you from?· Where is your hometown?· Where do you come from?· What is the name of the street you live on?· What kind of street do you live on?· What do you like about your town?· What is the weather like in your town?· What building is famous in your town?· What jobs do people in your town do?· How has your town changed over the last twenty years?· What changes have taken place in your city in recent years?· Do you think it is better to live in the center of town or outside in the country? Why?Free time· What do you enjoy doing in your free time?· How much time do you have each week for doing these things?· Why do you like doing these ?· How did you start doing this activity at first?· Is there some other hobby or sport you would like to try? Why?· How has the way people spend their free time changed over the years?Holidays· What do you do when you have a holiday?· Who do you usually spend holiday with?· Where do you like to spend your holidays? Why?· Can you describe a typical day in your holidays?· Why are holidays and important to you?· If you could take a holiday anywhere in the world, where would you go? Why?· What do people usually do during holidays and in your town?Places to go in your free time· What do people do in your town in their free time?· Where can they go out for , or to enjoy ?· Which do you prefer: eating in or eating at home?· Which are the best places to eat out?Transport· How did you come here today?· What is public transport like in your town?· How do you think it could be improved?· Do you think people should use public transport more? Why (not)?Shopping· How much time do you spend shopping every week?· Do you enjoy going shopping? Why (not)?· What is your favourite shop and why do you like it?· What problems are there with shopping in your area?Your · Can you describe the house where you live to me?· What is there to do in the area where you live?· What do you like about the area where you live?· How do you think it could be improved?· Do you think it is better to live in the centre of town or outside in the country? Why?Reading· Do you enjoy reading? Why?· What sort of things do you read?· Tell me something about your favourite book.· What are the of reading instead of watching or going to the cinema?Sports and games· What sports are most popular in your country?· What sports and games did you most enjoy playing· when you were a child?· Do people take as much exercise as in the past?· Why is exercise good for you?

2.雅思口语救命包:70个重点话题 ,900句高分例句全汇总!!!



对第二部分来说,没有必备的常考卡片的。不过全年是分3个季度,1月-4月,5-8月,9-12月,每个季度里出的题目范围都是一样的。大概五六十个话题。每一个星期大概会出二十个的样子,也许会少一些。 最准确的信息,就是,如果你的口语是笔试第二天考的话,那么第一天晚上去网站上收集下和你一个考点的网友回忆的内容,(有人也说的考试题目都是一样的),那么你第二天的考试题目多半就出在这里了。当然,也有可能是新题,这就要看你运气如何了! 你可以把很多话题套在一起准备万能内容,就是比如一个让人尊敬的人,一位老人,一个你最喜欢的老师……这几个就完全可以用同样的内容来回答。当然,我只是举例子,具体事例还要具体分析么,呵呵~你拿到题目以后可以为了节约时间把很多话题一起准备拉。 不过千万要小心啊,不要完全一模一样,也不用那么偷懒对不对,我去上培训的时候老师说卡片上面有的问题一定都要回答!不然如果你漏了,在内容方面肯定会扣分的拉!!!所以呢,万能内容想好以后,到了考场,还是要仔细看题目的。准备只是让你有话可说,可是具体发挥还是要好好变通一下的对吧~~ 必考问题第一部分倒是有,第一部分有四个问题考官一定会从以下三个topic里面出的:work or study/your home()/your hometown 呵呵,也不知道你目标分数是多少,我也就班门弄斧一下,我最深的感受呢就是要一直说,能说多少说多少,想到的内容,单词,通通说出去,如果先顾及不到其他,就先把语法扔一边,至少说的多比说的少好,而语法只要在能让对方听得懂的情况下就Ok拉,当然,如果要拿高分,语法还是不能丢的! 不过话说回来,6分的一条标准就是willing to speak么~~~如果没有主动要说的意愿,6分都拿不到哦! 呵呵,祝好运拉!这是没有办法的事情,如果你要雅思考的好,不准备肯定不行啊。除非你口语很流利,遇到什么都不怕啦其实最好是不要背,你最多看看一些好词好句,然后自己脑袋里相想该怎么说,到了考场上会不会用,不要一个词组一个词组的蹦,至少练习着造个句,到考场时候能说得出来吧!准备的时候也不要通篇写成一个speech一样然后背诵,你就写一些关键词,做到看到词能说出句子来,就ok拉!这样也可以节约时间么~~呵呵雅思口语重要的是自然交流,你背的东西没有感情,也不会像普通讲话那样有感情,是自然流露。一旦不自然,考官就不会对你讲的东西有兴趣拉。更何况如果被考官发现你说的不自然,是在背诵的话,他会觉得你是事先准备好的,是“作弊的”这不会对分数产生什么实质的影响,但是他就不会太尊重你,而很可能会在第三部分挑一些很难的问题难为你,间接影响发挥的!所以准备一定要的,其实我觉得,如果时间紧的话,听力和阅读可以适当减少一点时间,因为那个是拼实力的,你会就是会,实力也就在那个范围,但是口语和写作是可以在短时间有提高空间的,多背一些好词好句,就可以为你的口语和写作增光添彩拉!!!


这是我千辛万苦整理出来的,你可以参考,希望对你有所帮助哦!! Did you ever make anything by hand when you were a child? Do children in your country often make things by hand? Do you think it's very useful for children to make things by hand? Is there anything that you would like to make by hand in the future? Birds How do you feel about birds? (Why do you feel that way?) How do Chinese people feel about birds? Are there many birds near your home? Have you seen many different kinds of birds? (near your home)? Do any birds have any in China? For example, does China have a national bird? Do you think birds should be protected? (Why? / Why not?) Do Chinese people like raising (keeping) pet birds? Have you ever raised (kept) a pet bird? What did you feed it? Do you like outdoor ? What outdoor do you (most) like to do? How often do you do that? What kinds of outdoor do you do in your daily life? Do people in your country prefer to spend time indoors or outdoors? What (types of) outdoor are popular in your country? Do people in your country have enough time to spend on outdoor ? Happiness What do you think, "happiness" is? What do you think makes people feel happy? Do you do anything to keep yourself happy? Why do people feel happy when they are at a natural place (such as in a forest)? Do you think money plays an important part in people's happiness? 【北外雅思】,北京外国语旗下雅思培训品牌! 学生学习生活均在北外校内,【北外雅思】=【名校】+【名师】=【】!




大家好,我是Yolanda。之前在知乎分享了我的一系列雅思备考心得,获得了上万点赞。时隔半年登录收到了很多人参考我的攻略后发来的报喜,谢谢你们的支持!上次整理的《雅思听力场景词汇3000+全面汇总—剑4-15最新版》也受到了广泛的好评。很多人呼吁出一期雅思口语题库的素材整理。努力的Yolanda:雅思听力场景词汇3000+全面汇总—剑4-15最新版正在看的你或许正在茫茫的雅思口语题库中挣扎?或许正在为一望无边的雅思口语题海素材而苦恼?雅思口语到底该怎么准备?雅思口语题库去哪里找?大海捞针式得一题一题准备的确是一种方案但第一前提是要有足够的时间成本很多考生的情况是——辛辛苦苦准备了两个月的答案,还没考出理想分数的时候,换题季又来了......(此处省略100+奔溃表情包)此外,不怕一万(准备旧题)就怕万一(新题)万一考场遇见了自己没准备的新题,心态容易瞬间奔溃如此看来题海战术是一种战术,但绝不是高效的战术通过对雅思口语题库的分析,我们其实可以发现,所有的题目归类汇总之后也就聚集于几个话题中,且这些话题也正是我们日常生活中常常碰到的。只有对雅思口语的各个常见话题的语料词汇有了整体把握之后,才能做到心里有料,口中有词,才能在考场做到融会贯通,以不变应万变。为此,这次我特意对9-12月的题库进行了话题的分类汇总,并补充了每一个话题的常用词汇语料,助大家通关雅思口语!真的是一个一个话题梳理,在英文原版材料中寻找合适的表达。一共近1.8W字的雅思口语手册来了!以Part1和part2 为分类对象,将9-12月的雅思口语题库分为了地点与住宿类、人物+人际交往类、娱乐爱好类、自然环境保护类、日常生活类、学习就业+经济发展类、文化艺术科技+教育公益类等七大类,在每一类的后面都加入了适用的语料词汇表达。部分语料词汇整理展示在part1和part2 分类话题和词汇表达的基础上,我还对每一话题里的part3问题进行了分析,找出了具有代表性的,有逻辑性的(如对比类、利弊类、问题解决措施类)一些问题进行了词汇的补充。部分内容展示如下整理很辛苦,请大家珍惜成果,好好用起来呀~


雅思口语备考时练习口语话题是不可少的。越是经典的口语话题练习越是能让考生在尽可能少的时间下取得最大的成效。大家可以在自己的雅思口语练习中对这些题目进行适当的关注,这样就能更好的应对雅思口语考试了。1. Is there anywhere you would like to visit on your holidays? Where and why?2. Let's talk a little about traveling and transport. For long trips, how do you prefer to travel?3. Tell me about the kind of you live in, either this country or in your hometown。4. Let's talk about your hometown or village. What kind of place is it?5. What do you usually do in your holidays?6. Why do you think trains are better than buses?7. Can you tell me something about your family? 8. Do you have children?9. What is your child's name?10. What is your son/daughter like? Tell me about his/her 。11. What does your wife/husband do for a living?12. When did you get married?13. Tell me something about your wedding, please. Did you have any kind of ceremony?14. What did you/your wife wear on your wedding day?15. Where did you go for your honeymoon?16. Did you have to ask for from your parents before you got married?17. Could you tell me what happens at a wedding in your country?18. What kind of parent do you intend to be?19. What hope or fears do you have for your children?20. What sort of culture do you hope your child will grow up in?21. As a parent, do you plan to raise your child from how your parents raised you?22. How different is your life from the lives of your parents?23. Are you going to bring up your child ? How?24. Are you going to bring up your child from the way you were brought up? How?25. Do you enjoy shopping?今天的内容就奉上这么多,话题练习需要大家好好消化。更多内容,请见下期原创课堂~SEE YOU下面是我的微信有学习上的问题可以私信我学术上的问题更阔以共同探讨▼


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