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全国统一学习专线 8:30-21:00

Part 1

Topic: Occupation

Question: Do you think people should get paid when they are required to work on weekends?

Model Response: I think that it is decent to give people extra pay if you ask them to work overtime, especially during the weekends, when they have the legal right to take a break from their work. In fact, most companies have the policy of paying employees double or triple as an encouragement or reward.

Topic: Accommodation

Question: How is your relationship with your neighbors?

Model Response: I guess it’s just so-so because I don’t have much chance to speak with them, let alone pay them a visit. Most people nowadays have a rather strange relationship with their neighbors – sometimes they are nodding acquaintances, but most of the time they stare at each other in an unfriendly manner as if the other person was a thief. This is really sad, I think.

Topic: Driving

Question: How important do you think it is for drivers to have good driving skills?

Model Response: Good driving skills are very important because bad drivers are actually driving a killing machine – either killing others or get themselves killed or both. But on the other hand, I think staying away from alcohol before you step into a car is even more important. Many accidents are attributed to drunk driving rather than poor driving skills.

Part 2

Describe a piece of good news that you received by phone.

You should say:

? who told you the news

? when you received it

? what was the news about

and explain how you reacted to the good news.

Model Response: Everyone has some good news and bad news on a daily basis, but the news I am going to describe is not only good, but also very exciting. About two years ago, I left my previous employer and was looking for a new one. So I sent tons of my resume to a number of IT-related companies. One Friday afternoon, while I was surfing the Internet for more job positions, my home phone rang. The caller identified herself as a human resource specialist from Microsoft Corporation, saying that she was quite satisfied with my resume, especially my technical background and a lot of field experience in the IT industry. And she wanted to book a personal interview with me sometime next week. I guess I was just thrilled to hear the good news because it was such a rare opportunity to be interviewed by Microsoft! Trying to remain calm and keep my voice from trembling, I confirmed the time and place of the coming interview with her. But after I hang up the phone, I felt a little terrified because the Microsoft interview was one of the toughest in the world, and I wasn’t sure if I could answer all the questions with confidence and leave a good impression on the interviewer. So I had this mixed feeling of being both excited and worried.

Part 3

Topic: Lifestyle

Question: What things do you think people in China need to do in order to improve their health?

Model Response: There are many meaningful things that Chinese people should do to improve their health. First, quit smoking. I believe smoking is perhaps the number one killer in China, but unfortunately the smoking population is getting bigger and younger. Second, stop going to McDonald’s and KFC. These fast-food restaurants are largely responsible for the country’s obesity problem.

Topic: Sports

Question: What do you think of women entering boxing competitions?

Model Response: It is a good thing for women to learn some self-defense to protect themselves, but I’m not sure about boxing – I mean, boxing is such a violent and bloody sport that suits men only. So it’s kind of disgusting to watch two females punching, kicking and screaming at each other inside a boxing ring.

Topic: History

Question: Films with historical themes are very popular now. What do you think of them?

Model Response: It’s great that more and more people nowadays enjoy historical films. One important reason is that they are bored with the reality and want to seek some nostalgia in such films. On the bright side, the audience can really acquire a lot of knowledge about history and start to show respect to things like culture, tradition and national heritage.


以上看似普通的Part 1考题中隐藏着较大的深度。比如在谈Accommodation的话题时,问到How is your relationship with your neighbors? 我们不应把它看作一种普通的询问,考官其实想借此考验你对现代邻里关系的看法。同样,在问good driving skills的重要性时,考官也想听一听你对safety的见解。Part 2中我们特意选择了a piece of good news that you received by phone,该题的难度并没有很多考生想像得那么大,一个最简单有效的切入点就是讲一个面试通知或录取通知。讲中奖通知的意义不大,一是不太好展开,二是多为骗局。Part 3的三个话题与时代的贴合度很大,其中有特具积极意义的“如何提高中国人的健康”,可以从中国民众的不良生活习惯切入;也有富有争议性的“女性是否应该参加拳击比赛”,建议从较易入手的反对角度去说;还有“历史题材电影的流行”,既可以谈原因,也可以谈它的积极影响 – 把历史与文化、传统、民族遗产联系起来。

Part 1Topic: Reading

Question: When you look through newspapers, do you prefer to read local news or international news?

Model Response: Well, most of the time I don’t distinguish between local and international news. I am more in the habit of leafing through my favorite newspaper – which is China Daily – and focusing on those stories with the most interesting or striking titles.

Topic: Birthday

Question: How do Chinese people usually celebrate their birthdays?

Model Response: As Chinese culture places such great emphasis on food, most people choose to celebrate their birthdays by eating out. So we usually reserve a table or even a VIP room in a nice restaurant, invite our family and friends, buy a large birthday cake and hold a celebration there.

Topic: Clothes

Question: Can you judge a person by what they wear?

Model Response: Sometimes you can because the clothes people wear often give a hint of their social status, income level and walk of life. But other times it is dangerous to do that. Some people don’t play by the rules, and their daily wear is just a way to hide what they really are.

Part 2Describe a place where you can listen to music.

You should say:

? where is place

? how often you go there

? what kind of music you can enjoy

and explain why you choose to listen to music there.

Model Response: When it comes to listening to music, I don’t like to sit at home and put on a headphone. I prefer to go to a public place where I can unwind myself by listening to music in a casual way. So my favorite place is a small café called StarTreks, on the corner of two side streets within my neighborhood. Unlike those popular coffee shops such as Starbucks and Costa Coffee, this place is very quiet and cozy but enjoys a good reputation among regular customers like me. Whenever I feel stressed out and need a relief, I would spend a few hours there sinking into one of the soft couches, browsing through various fashion magazines on the shelf and listening to their classical jazz music from the 1920s and 30s. Believe it or not, the owner of StarTreks Jack has the largest jazz album collection I have ever seen. Although I am a jazz fan myself, there are still a lot of pieces that I hear at this café for the first time. Apart from its appealing music, StarTreks has the unique service of playing certain songs for a particular customer if you give them a list and pay a small fee of $5 – I guess that’s why I would like to spend my leisure time her

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