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1. 纯科技类考题

这个类别的考题,一般不涉及具体的发明产品,而是更多地围绕普通科技的影响,如:科技是否影响创造力,科技是否拉大贫富差距,科技影响传统技术甚至是科研经费以及科研项目由谁开展等。正因为相对抽象的内容考察,所以考生在准备过程中要做到真正读懂考题才能轻松应对,如考题中出现a simpler life就需要考生真正理解才能写的准确切题;又如gap between the rich and poor虽然是我们常提的贫富差距,但是到底具体指代的内容又是什么呢?又如何与科技结合在一起等。


1)关于科技发展的利与弊,考生要考虑到是科技的发展让我们的生活更加舒适和便捷了more convenient and comfortable; 也缩短了人与人之间的距离shorten the distance between people; 现代医学延长了寿命减轻了痛苦prolong people's life and relieve sufferings from diseases. 同样的,也必须考虑到不利方面,如许多不易解决的问题如air pollution, environmental deterioration and the scarcity of natural resources等。


2)非科技实物类题目中必须要留意到太空探索的影响题,如Space travel to the moon is cited as a big step for the mankind. Some people think it made little difference to our daily lives. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 对于此类考题,最基本的是要准备好以下素材与词汇:a. 外太空资源的开发对我们极为有益the discovery of resources in outer space could be of great benefit. b. 外太空可能成为人类的新生存空间new living space. c. 带来许多有用的产品,包括个人电脑,心脏起搏器heart pacemakers, 也包括冷冻干燥食物freeze-dried foods, 都是直接或间接indirect的结果


3)科技拉大贫富差距,最首先要了解什么是贫富差距gap between rich and poor. 其实这题属于digital divide的范畴,考生也可以网络搜索关键词。一般说来如果考生了解贫富差距一般体现在收入,生活质量以及社会地位几个方面,那么就容易解答一些。只要拿着科技,对照这三个方面,分别说明是否有影响即可,如the rich可以利用科技apply to生产,取代replace劳动力,如此一来不仅降低cost而且获得更高的profit, 所以有钱人更有钱,而同时the poor are replaced and may get unemployed, 自然收入就明显降低了。



1) Scientific and technology advances are benefits in our daily life today. However, most of scientists are no longer able to find the solutions of the problems they have created. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


2) When a country develops its technology, the traditional skills and ways of life die out. It is pointless to try and keep them alive. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?


3) Earlier technological development brought more benefits and changed the life of ordinary people more than the recent technological developments ever will. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


2. 科技产品类考题

这一套考题是相对简单的题目,不论是考察的对象还是应对的理由,因为对考生而言足够熟悉也足够感兴趣。相信不少学生课间休息就拿出手机smart phone, 享受科技产品带来的各种便利和舒适,消磨时间to kill time, 了解时事current affairs, 娱乐放松get relaxed and entertained等。所以,如果考察到的刚好是此类考题有关手机的利弊,那么相信学生完全可以结合自己的亲身经历来完成这篇作文。而相似的考题还有关于电脑或电子游戏的利弊,也有该不该看电视,或是汽车的无限制使用以及飞行的利弊等等。另外,有两类考题必须要留意,分别是替代类考题(电脑替代教师,替代传统博物馆或图书馆,替代国际旅游等)和无脸交易类考题(bank transaction, shopping or even office work without face to face communication)。


1讨论汽车的利弊,可以考虑:汽车可以使我们更高效的工作make us work more efficiently, 更便利的生活life becomes more convenient and flexible, 更自由的出行allow us to move freely, 甚至是促进汽车产业的发展boost the development of automobile industry, 提供就业机会provide countless job opportunities. 另一方面,过度的使用overuse或者是滥用abuse会带来一系列的问题a series of problems, 如:大量排放汽车尾气car exhausts等有毒气体poisonous gas, 污染大气air pollution, 危害健康cause actual harm to people's health; 交通事故频发导致大量人员伤亡casualty等。


2远程办公telecommuting等无脸交易毫无疑问对于社会有深远的影响,包括公司结构corporate structure, 员工的生活方式workers' lifestyle甚至是城市规划的改变urban planning。长期的发展无脸交易,那么办公室,商场,银行等都显得没有存在的意义了meaningless, 直接导致不少空着的桌子或场所empty desks or offices, 必然会影响团队的气氛social atmosphere of an organization, 也影响同事之间的关系和沟通less contact and communication. 当然对于员工而言,不用赶着去办公室或是不用赶去rush to营业时间内的商场和银行,必然能节约不少时间less time-consuming, 带来更多的灵活性more flexibility. 此外,不用出门必然会导致高峰期rush hour路面车辆减少,甚至影响城市商务区的集中区域减小等a smaller concentration of offices in cities' central business districts



1) The older generations often hold some traditional ideas on the correct way of live, think and behavior. Most people argue that it is not helpful for the young generations preparing for modern life in the future. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


2) It is now possible to perform everyday tasks, such as bank transaction, shopping or even office works, without meeting people face to face. What are the effects it may have on individuals and the society as a whole?


3) The long-distance flight consumes the fuel more than a car consumes in several years time, and causes the same amount of pollution as cars. So some people think we should abandon the non-essential flights such as for tourism and it is more efficient than restricting the car use. Give your opinions about it.



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