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全国统一学习专线 8:30-21:00


朗阁海外考试研究中心 吴艳
一、      判断作者的观点或意图
我们经常能遇到选择题中有这样的问法:What is the writer’s main point about…? 或者The writer suggests…to illustrate… 还有What does the writer say about…? 我们把这些问法归类为判断作者观点或意图的题目。那么,在解决这类题目时,需要注意些什么呢?
What does the writer say about America’s waste problem?
A It will increase in line with population growth.
B It is not as important as we have been led to believe.
C It has been reduced through public awareness of the issues.
D It is only significant in certain areas of the country.
原文:People worry that the endless rise in the amount of stuff everyone throws away will cause the world to run out of places to dispose of waste. Yet, even if America’s trash output continues to rise as it has done in the past, and even if the American population doubles by 2100, all the rubbish America produces through the entire 21st century will still take up only one-12000th of the area of the entire United States. 在这段文字中,作者用了转折连接词、表示程度的副词来表达数据的微乎其微、可以忽略这样的含义。因此,作者偏重于数据很小、问题不严重这样的观点。因此选择B项。
二、      掌握文中的细节
例如:Lozanov claims that teachers should train students to
A memorise details of the curriculum
B develop their own sets of indirect instructions
C think about something other than the curriculum content.
D avoid overloading the capacity of the brain.
原文:Lozanov therefore made indirect instruction (suggestion) central to his teaching system. In suggestopedia, as he called his method, consciousness is shifted away from the curriculum to focus on something peripheral. 题目中的定位词为teachers,再根据顺序,我们定位到原文,将原文中的句义与选项逐个进行同义转换,我们可以确定答案为C选项。
三、      选择原文的题目
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