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全国统一学习专线 8:30-21:00



  1. Some people believe that the fittest and strongest individuals and teams always succeed in sports. Others think that success in sports depends on mental attitudes. Discuss both views and give your opinions。

  2. In modern society, fashion is becoming more and more popular in people's choice of clothes. Why­ Do you think it is positive development or negative development­

  3. Do you think some day new media wil replace printed media­

  4. There are many advertisements directed at children, such as toys, snacks and so on. Parents think the children are under pressure, while advertisers think they provide useful information. Discuss both views and give your opinion。

  5. It is reported that some traditional arts are facing extinction. Some think the government should protect them. To what extent do you agree or disagree­ What should the government do­

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