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全国统一学习专线 8:30-21:00
     在雅思听力的学习中,烤鸭们遇到的绊脚石无外乎节奏的掌控和词汇的拼写,今天朗阁海外考试研究中心的专家将帮助大家解决听力中如何把握节奏的问题。说到节奏,那就不得不说提示语在听力文章中的重要性。在以应试为目的的听力学习过程中专家强调有的放听这个概念,即带着目标听材料,进行准确定位。我们可以将考试中常见的提示语分为以下几类,并结合剑桥真题6, 7中的例子进行说明,相信烤鸭们经过练习,一定能有如神助,听力高分不再是梦想!


   1. 强调



   剑7 TEST 1 SECTION 3 QUESTION 25原题如下:

Janice suggests that managers may find it difficult to

A. form successful groups

B. balance conflicting needs

C. deal with uncooperative workers


Janice: Yes, that may be true, but I think one of the most important tasks of managers is to consider the needs of the individual on the one hand and group cooperation on the other.





Janice believes managers should

A. demonstrate good behavior

B. encourage cooperation early on

C. increase financial incentives

   原文如下:What's important here is that this happens right at the beginning.



During periods of change, managers may have to cope with increased amounts of ………..

   原文如下:Yes but what's important is that managers are able to deal with quite high levels of personal stress.


   剑7 TEST 1 SECTION 4 QUESTION 36原题如下:

If you look at a site from a ………, you reduce visitor pressure.

   原文如下:Whenever you do go to a site, don't forget you can learn many things from observing at a distance instead of walking all over it.


   2. “自以为是被否定型




How much time is allowed to return recalled books?

   该题近半数学生会写出three months这样的错误答案,听力原文如下:

STUDENT: So theoretically I can borrow books for up to three months- is that what you're saying?

LIBRARIAN: Yes, provided they are not recalled.

   首先审题时同学们就可能忽略了recalled books这样的关键词,在听到three months时一激动就忽略了后面图书管理员的否定句。



INTERVIEWER: Why Chrichurch? Was it because of the climate?

DOCTOR: Well actually New Zealand is the second closest country to Antarctica.........


   3. 为补充说明进行铺垫


But you have a number of options to get you there…..

What's more……

When it comes to……

Now there were two more problems…..

And then some basic rules to guide you ……

Not so much in helping sportspeople to work on their weaker side, but more that........

Let's consider the following scenario........

Provided you warn the refectory in advance............


   4. 发现结论类


Researchers examined.......... and find the following that.........

Studies showed that........

Mathtews found that.........

An interesting finding is that .........

The research suggests that...........

And the research concluded that...........


   5. 否定转折类


Unlike the North Pole, which is actually a frozen sea ...........

It's open to everyone, but students pay annual fee that is much less than generals of public pay.

So instead of coming back here, we will like you all go to lecture room 311

In fact, there are only tickets for Monday and Thursday.

But in fact it's more often used for cycling........


   6. 解释类


This me

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