全国统一学习专线 8:30-21:00

随着国际禁令解封,现在很多人都在为出国留学做打算,但出国留学外语是必备的,今天就随小编来了解一下雅思口语常用句型,还有这些干货|雅思口语高频短语及高级句型常用表达,求雅思口语短语,短句&句型,积累 | 攻克雅思口语的10套句型,雅思口语常用的地道表达大集合,必看!,雅思口语黄金表达句型 高分轻松说出来?? 也是大家所关心的


在备考的过程中,很多烤鸭可能觉得口语嘛,准备准备范文背背就可以了,其实并不是这个样子的,一些高频的短语以及高级的句型表达如果你运用好的话,很容易上分。【以下为正文】一、雅思口语高频短语表示原因1、There are three reasons for this.2、The reasons for this are as follows.3、The reason for this is obvious.4、The reason for this is not far to seek.5、The reason for this is that.6、We have good reason to believe that.表示好处1、It has the following .2、It does us a lot of good.3、It benefits us quite a lot.4、It is to us.5、It is of great benefit to us.表示坏处1、It has more than .2、It does us much harm.3、It is harmful to us.表示重要、必要、困难、方便、可能1、It is important/necessary/ difficult//possible for sb. to do sth.2、We think it necessary to do sth.3、It plays an important role in our life.表示措施1、We should take some effective measures.2、We should try our best to overcome /conquer the .3、We should do our utmost in doing sth.二、雅思口语高级句型表达1) which 从句——6分保底。考官一般很喜欢这个句式,如果你用到它,考官脑中一般马上反应:嗯,这个考生语法也许在6分以上。Which从句可以分成两种情况:修饰先行词和修饰前面整个意群。a. 修饰先行词:例:Where are you from?I’m from Shanghai,which is the biggest city in China, located in the east coastal area.这里的which修饰的是先行词Shanghai。大家可以把这个句子背下来,因为在口试当中,问到where are you from?的可能性还是很大的。其实,除了这个题目外,还有很多题目的回答可以用到这个句式,大家可以具体去发现。如:what’s your favorite dish? 答:My favorite dish is Stirred-fried shrimps, which is a local specialty。b. 修饰整个意群:例:How do you think about your job?My job is really boring, you have to do the same thing everyday, which is one of the major reasons leading to the loss of .这是一个7分的句式,因为which修饰的是整个意群(上面修饰先行词为6分),即:My job is really boring, you have to do the same thing everyday,能够体现出考生灵活使用复杂句式的能力。没有大局观的人,是很难把这个句子说对的。在这种情况里,which一般翻译为:这(种情况、事情......),起到总结归纳的作用。比如:Our has realized the problem and is taking measures to deal with it, which is a good sign, but if we don’t do it in a way, I’m afraid the could still be lethal. 已经意识到这个问题,正采取措施解决,这是个好兆头。但如果我们措施不够科学,恐怕结果依然是致命的。三、雅思口语考试专用万能句1.Could you please that question/topic?你能转述一下刚才的问题/话题吗?2.I’m not exactly sure what you mean ...我不确定...是指代什么意思。3.I’m not exactly sure how to answer that question, but perhaps我不知道该如何回答这个问题,但也许...(后接一些比较浅显的观点)4.That’s rather difficult question, but I wonder if could give me more about that.这是一个相当难的问题,但我想知道是否能给我更多关于那个的信息。5.I’m sorry, but I don’t know much about...对不起,我不太了解...6.Give me a few seconds for me to search every piece of in my head.请给我几秒钟,让我搜索一下大脑中的每一条信息。7. Have I given enough ? It would be great if you could give me more.我了解了足够的信息吗?如果你能给我更多一点的信息就好了。8.Now you want me to talk about it. But I don't have too much to say.现在你要我谈论这个话题,但是我没有太多的观点去陈述。9.Give me a few seconds for me to organize my thought a little bit.请给我几秒钟让我整理一下我的思路。10.It is an abstract question. I know little about it.这是一个很抽象的问题,我对它了解的不是很深。11.Let me put it another way...让我换一种方式去说...12.What I’m is...我想说的是...13.What I’m getting at is...我想要表达的观点是...14.Perhaps I should make that clearer by saying...也许我可以通过说明...来使我之前的陈述更加清楚。15.Perhaps it would be more accurate to say...也许我这么说能够更加的准确...当然如果你有机会跟着口语老师进行学习的话,效果肯定是最好的,老师可以结合你的实际情况进行针对性的提升。以上分享如果你觉得对你有所帮助,记得点赞收藏~因为你可能滑着滑着就找不到了。有需要的可以私信领取~



3.积累 | 攻克雅思口语的10套句型



1. 用cos 来代替because引导原因2. 用like代替For example 举例,因为like更口语化3. 学会用一些停顿语气词,像 well, you know 等,还可以用 “how shall I put it?”表达 自然自语式的说 “怎么说呢”4. 可以选择用“etc., and the like, or whatever, and stuff like that” 表达“等等”的时候,5. 学会使用副词来表达一定语气,totally(完全地),really(非常低),(及其,绝对滴), actually, basically(主要基本上), obviously(很明显地), (不幸地)等,其实在美国人口中,经常能这些副词。6. Most of the time, …, but sometimes … 这个结构很有用。小编觉得在part 3中,这个结构很适用于总分结构的回答。It depends, but generally …这个结构也很实用。7. 可用mate/buddy 代替friend或best friend8. 可用flick/flicks 代替film或者movie,同样watch/see a film, 也可用catch a flick 代替。9. 用tasty 或yummy 代替delicious,说实在的,外国人很少用delicious这个单词10. 用 “amazing, awesome, , marvelous”代替great或是good11. 用 “really pretty,charming, 或 gorgeous”代替. 用 “pricey”来表达. 用 “a smash hit”代替popular表达“某东西很火”14. 用 “catch forty winks”表示 “小憩一会儿”have a nap15. 用"help me chill/wind down.”代替relax表示放松16. 用 “a while”代替a moment表示“一会儿,一段时间”17. 用“go up”代替rise表示“上升”;用“go down”代替decline表示“下降”18. 表达一个人很现实,可以用“realistic”和“”( 人很物质化)19. 还有可以用“in”表示“流行,时髦”,如“in nest” 最时髦,最时尚。20. 用 “out of date/style”, 或者直接用 “out”来表示“过时,老土”21. 用 “state of the art”代替advance表示“最先进的”22. 用“we really had a marvelous time”代替have fun表示“我们玩得特爽”23. 用 “down”代替unhappy表示“失落,沮丧”,还有 “let sb down”表示“让…失望”24. 用 “exhausted/dead beat/worn out”代替tired表示“累”25. 用“available”代替free表示“自己有空”26. 用 “it takes me ages”代替it takes a long time 表示“做某事花老半天”27. 用“donkey years”代替a long time表达 “很长时间”28. 用 “hang out with my mates”代替play with表示“和朋友一起玩儿”29. 用 “the best thing of ….is …”代替one of the /Benefits表达“什么的最大的好处”30. 用 “stuff”代替thing表达“东西,事情,物品,题材等概念时”31. 用 “well off”代替rich表达“富裕,有钱,条件好”; 用 “loaded”(豪门黑金的级别简直就是),或 “have money to burn.”来表达“特别有钱”; 用 “broke”表达“穷”32. 用 “the haves, the have-nots.”来表达“富人,穷人”33. 用 “be fed up with…或者 have had enough of…”代替bored表达“对…腻了,受够了”34. 用 “the rat race”代替the severe 表达“城市里的激烈竞争”35. 用“have 10 days off”表示“放十天假”36. 用 “Christmas is just half a month away.”表达“还有半个月就是圣诞了”37. 用 “our birthdays are just 2 days apart.”表达“我们俩生日就差2天”38. 用“to put it simply.”代替Simply speaking表达“简单来讲”39. 用 “to put it another way”代替in the other words表达“换句话讲”40. 用 “a big headache或 a real pain.”来表达“让人很烦,很头痛的人或事”41. 用 “kill time”来表达“消磨时间”42. 用 “a real drag”来表达“乏味,无聊的人或事”; 用 “a drag on sb.”表达“负担,累赘”43. 用 “put on/gain weight”表达“体重增加”; 用 “lose a few pounds 或者 shed a few pounds.” ,或用 “get slim/thin.”表达“减肥,瘦身”; 用 “get exercise或 work out.”表达“锻炼”44. 用 “idolize”表达“崇拜”; 用“idol”表达“偶像”; 用 “showbiz.”表达“娱乐圈”; 用 “ a big name”表达“名人”; 用 “showy”表达“花哨”; 用 “a good/bad name”表达“名声好坏”45. 用 “the name of the game.”表达“问题的实质;最为重要的方面;事情的根本目标”46. 用 “you(could) name it.”代替every kinds表达“应有尽有”47. 用 “Our dog answers to the name of…”代替called或者named表达“我们家狗的名字叫…”48. 用 “scary”代替horrible表达“恐怖”49. 用 “”代替sick表示“恶心”50. 用 “catchy”表达“某样东西,一首歌,或一个名字朗朗上口,容易记住”51. 用 “tourist spots”表达“景点”52. 用 “spots”表达“痘痘”53. 用 “stylist”表达“造型师”54. 用 “stunning”表达“极为震撼,极为漂亮”55. 用 “Sometimes, I just want some time alone.”表达“有时候我就想一个人待会儿”56. 用 “I really enjoy their company.”表达“我很喜欢跟他们在一起”57. 用 “spend more time with them.”表达“多陪陪他们”58. 用 “He’s a terribly nice guy.”表达“他是一个特别好的人”59. 用 “packed out.”表达“特别挤”60. 用 “lousy”表达“糟糕,差劲,次”61. 用 “get me wrong” 代替mistake表达“误会了我的意思”62. 用 “groovy”表达“太帅了”63. 用“Nothing beats my mum’s cooking”表达“没什么比得上我妈做的饭”64. 用 “skip breakfast”表达“不吃早饭”65. 用 “night owl”表达“我是个夜猫子”66. 用 ”turn in”表达“上床睡觉” ;用“sleep in.”表达“睡懒觉”来源网络,侵删再给大家推荐一份备考书:在口语备考的过程中如何有效的使用语言,包括单词、词组、句式、习惯用法结合起来才是重点。给大家推荐一本书,名字有点长……《会让你在IELTS写作与口语考试中更像一个Native Speaker的纯正英式短语&英式句型1000条》这是一本雅思备考书,其中雅思口语考试是比较接近日常口语交流的,就是日常生活中的使用场景,比较适合用来学习自我提升例如:日常交通运输类在这本书里,你不仅可以学到单词词组,还有与之相关的英式短语和句型。除了准确的中英文释义,还有近义、反义联想句型和例句,帮你从单词、句型、完整的句子都搞定了,再也不是单独生冷的单词,下次见到老外考官不就可以用上了吗~推荐阅读:雅思7.5(或以上)是种什么样的体验?求过程分享!谢谢~?如何在短期内提高雅思写作?能推荐一些学雅思的书单吗?

5.雅思口语黄金表达句型 高分轻松说出来

  雅思口语一直是中国留学生踏出国门走向世界的一道门槛。比起阅读和听力“纸上谈兵”口语更要“说”的好听,可是在说口语的时候,即使有了好词伙的积累,有时候却常常被句型限制,导致口语表达止步不前,因为句型演练不熟,积累不够导致卡顿和错误等问题一定让你头痛不已,下面,小编就为大家整理了一些雅思口语的黄金表达句型,让你轻松说出高分!  表示原因  1)There are three reasons for this.  2)The reasons for this are as follows.  3)The reason for this is obvious.  4)The reason for this is not far to seek.  5)The reason for this is that...  表示坏处  1)It has more than .  2)It does us much harm.  3)It is harmful to us.  表示重要、必要、困难、方便、可能  1)It is important(necessary,difficult,,possible)for sb.to do sth.  2)We think it necessary to do sth.  3)It plays an important role in our life.  表示措施  1)We should take some effective measures.  2)We should try our best to overcome(conquer)the .  3)We should do our utmost in doing sth.  4)We should solve the problems that we are (faced)with.  表示变化  1)Some changes have taken place in the past five years.  2)A great change will certainly be produced in the world’s .  3)The computer has brought about many changes in education.  表示事实、现状  1)No one can deny the fact that...  2)There is no denying the fact that...  3)This is a that many people are in.  4)However,that’s not the case.  表示数量  1)It has increased(decreased)from...to...  2)The in this city has now increased(decreased)to 800,000.  3)The output of July in this factory increased by 15%compared with that of January.  表示听  1)I hear(常用过去时,表示听过)  2)I hear of /about (hear of/about 表听说)  3)Sound  4)Sound like  表示看  1)Look  2)Look like (it looks like...形容轮廓或外观)  3)I noticed that....  表示感激(人物题)  1)I that....  2)I sb.  3)I feel grateful for...  表示肯定  1)everyone knows that...  2)It is known to all that...  3)We all know that...  4)There is no doubt that...  表示看法  1)People have(take,adopt,assume)different attitudes towards sth.  2)People have different opinions on this problem.  3)People take different views of(on)the question.  4)Some people believe that...Others argue that...  表示期待  1)I can’t wait to do sth.  2)I am looking forward to doing sth.  表示好处  1)It has the following .  2)It does us a lot of good.  3)It benefits us quite a lot.  4)It is of great benefit to us.


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