全国统一学习专线 8:30-21:00

随着国际禁令解封,现在很多人都在为出国留学做打算,但出国留学外语是必备的,今天就随小编来了解一下雅思口语问题,还有这些求雅思口语考试流程!越详细越好!最好给些经验!,考官解惑| 有关雅思口语的10个问题,雅思口语基本问题回答 谢谢 在线等!!!!,雅思口语时间控制问题!,雅思口语考试考官常问哪些问题,雅思口语考试问题集锦,雅思口语题库9-12月最新汇总+最全分类话题语料?? 也是大家所关心的


同学,你好雅思口语考试时间10-15分钟的一对一谈话,大致上分4小段第一段:会面,寒暄一番(约1-2分钟)。第二段:主考官会鼓励(引导考生)多谈谈一般话题(生活作息上、文化习惯上、个人兴趣等等)(约3-4分钟),考生应勇敢发言。第三段:主考官抽出一张(角色扮演卡)(Cue card),卡上写明一个模拟的事件,环境或状况,由考生向主考官依卡提出各种问题(约3-4分钟)。考生提出的问题须与卡上的主题相关,并可自由发挥。第四段:主考官以得知考生个人有关(学业计划)或(未来展望)为主,A类与G类的考生因其考IELTS的目的不同而不同(约3-4分钟)。此段对答内容,是较多元化和深度化的,考生可以平时事先准备。

2.考官解惑| 有关雅思口语的10个问题

关于雅思作文的10个问答关键词:Part2超时、Part2剩余时间多、Part跑题、Part2流利度、P3的问题、网上题库、分数差距、P1和P3区别、口音和语调、观点不讨好……01.问口语part2 中自己如果说的比较慢 或者拓展比较多导致超过2mins 而没有回答到最后一个问题 会扣分吗?答不会。口语part2的四个小问题不需要每个都说。考官在part2主要还是关注流利度和发音。可以围绕part2的题目去说一个故事,这个故事不用对应题目的小问题。譬如说,题目如果是关于an man,而下面的小问题有how you got to know this person, when did you meet this person等,都可以不用回答。02.问如果口语没说够时间,考官会不会扣分?答不会。考官要么看着秒表,等你继续说够时间,也可能是问一个follow-up question,让你完成2分钟。如果你分数不好,主要是因为发音、内容背诵等问题,而不是没有说够2分钟。03.问part 2跑题会得到多少分?答考官在part2非常在意你是不是背的。如果你的故事和素材他们听过几次,他们会很反感。但是如果是你自己说的,他们会非常在意流利度和发音,而不是特别在意内容(包括表达),因为他们知道大部分中国学生都准备过,他们主要会在part3来检验你真实的语言能力。考官用了最近一个考试的题目,an important river in your country来举例。如果你张口就是扬子江,然后说很多细节的东西,而且其他考生也是说这些,基本上分数6分封顶。如果你说自己家乡的一个河流,那么很小,只要是important,他们不觉得是个问题。如果你说自己家乡的河流,说了很多细节,还没说到important,时间就到了,考官也不觉得你是跑题。04.问如何判断一个学生的流利度?答总共三个要素:response time, response length, response speed.Response time就是你需要多长时间对考官的问题作出回答。Response length要看题目。有些题目譬如说why, do you think等,一般就需要考生回答比较详细,但是考生如果有个简短的回答后,就没反应了,或者吞吞吐吐,或者不断重复,都是流利度缺乏的体现。Response speed就是整个回答的速度。不是说越快越好,也不是慢就好。考官是按照这个学生整个回答的一贯速度来评估。如果有些问题,学生说的快,有的说得很慢,考官还是不会觉得考生很流利。最后关于停顿,考官一般不会认为学生要不断说,才叫流利,而是根据考生停顿的地方。如果考生在句子后半部分有时候停顿,可能是内容跟不上的原因,未必是语言的原因。如果考生是在谓语这些地方已经停顿,或者是磕磕碰碰,那就是语言能力不够的体现。05.问为什么同一个考生,口语有时候挨着的两次考试分数差异很大?答可能是考试中刚好遇到考生比较熟悉的题目。譬如说题目是workout,然后考生刚好喜欢运动,可能就很流利说很多观点,分数就比较高。06.问考场上考生如果说政治的话题、种族的话题还有性别歧视的言论考官不喜欢,会不会扣分?答不会。考官不在乎你的观点,而是在乎你怎么去解释你的观点。解释的好(well executed),分数很好。07.问如果part2考试题卡考生不懂,没准备过,可否要求换题卡?答不可以。08.问网络上的part3题库是准确的吗?答一般都不是。要么学生到了part3很少记得住被问了什么题目,很难准确回忆。要么就是考官在考场上到了part3很多时候可以随意地改变手里part3题目的问法( questions),还经常增加一些问题(譬如说why, how)来观察考生理解题目和解释观点的能力。很难说网络上考生回忆的part3题库是完全准确的。09.问练习语音语调对于什么学生特别重要?答对于基础比较弱的学生,譬如说只有5分,能够马上回答问题,回答问题过程中不会吞吞吐吐,是很重要的。流畅性+语音语调决定是否能够上6。如果流畅度不够,也就意味着其他标准(CC,GRA,LR)至少有一门是7分才可以上6。这对于基础弱的学生基本不可能。10.问part1和3的回答主要有什么区别?答Part1主要是比较个人化的回答,比较简短,可以用个人的例子,结合个人的情况说。而part3更加像作文,需要有很多的解释和论述。如果part3学生使用个人的例子,考官往往会打断,叫考生用比较概括的语言描述。有些作文的题目,和口语part3的题目很类似。

3.雅思口语基本问题回答 谢谢 在线等!!!!

雅思口语高频话题:Film电影Film,电影。这是6、7月的口语考试中,经常考到的一个口语话题卡。手里正好有现成的样板答案,我稍微编辑了一下,拿出来跟大家分享。答案来自以前强化班的一个学生--- Cindy。Cindy口语不错,加上准备充分,去年的时候口语考了个7.5,现在正在我最喜欢的(没有之一)St Andrews(圣安德鲁斯)念书。在此向她表示感谢。Describe the type of film you most enjoy watching.You should say:what this type is①what the of this type are②when you last watched this type③and explain why you like this type.④① Among all types of films, I like war films best.② The first obvious feature of war films is that it involves at least one hero in the story, who is often brave, smart and unselfish. In addition, the battle scenes which involve large number of soldiers, planes and weapons vividly present a picture of what wars were actually like.③ Recently, I watched a war film named Assembly directed by the famous Chinese director Feng Xiaogang. It was a drama about a soldier of a People's Army unit during the civil war in the 1940s. The soldier, once a company commander, devotes his life to redeeming the honor of fellow soldiers who are declared missing in action. The film has been called the Chinese version of“Saving Private Ryan”, and indeed, the film looks like seriously brutal stuff.④ I like war films first because I can learn more about history through watching this kind of film. And I am in historic wars and battles, like the battle of Somme and so on. War films present to us a vivid picture of how brutal a war can be. Besides, I can the bravery and of those heros in war films, like the captain in the Hollywood hit Saving Private Ryan. Part 3: Films in General 1. What types of film are most popular in China? There's no one type of film which is the most popular in China actually. Chinese audiences like all kinds of film: comedy, tragedy, detective film.etc. I guess new year films are most popular. They're kind of domestic-made big budget fims. It has somehow become a cultural in China for audiences to cram into the cinema to watch those films specially made for the new year season. 2. Do Chinese people like going to the cinema to see films? ? Yes. The price of the ticket is in China, more and more people like going to the cinema to the real life sound and larger than life size screen. Generally speaking, Chinese people like going to the cinema to see films because you are more involved in the film and the helps you focus your attention on the film and enjoy it. When a is on in China like Assembly or Lust, Caution, many people go to the cinema to watch them. 3. Compare the films that older people like to watch with those that younger people like. Mostly, older people like slow tempo movies with classic plot, for example: movies about animals and novels...Younger people like anything, from movies to horror movies. Mostly, older people like slow movies with not-so-abstract plots, like movies about novels and events. And they always prefer comedies to tragedies. Compared with them, younger people have a broader range of taste. They like almost all kinds of films, romance, sci-fi and action movies. 4. How has science and affected the way films are made today? Computer is playing a more important role in today's films to make special effect. Special effect makes the films more exciting. With the of science and , film studios are able to create more vivid picture of scenes in the fictions. Such enables more companies to produce more sci-fi movies, like the ET and Star Wars series.


首先第一部分知识了解个人情况,并不放入计分范围。只要顺着问题就可以,不用过多扩充。一般两句就够了。没有固定的时间限制。第二部分直接联系第三部分,是评分重点。考官给你一张话题卡,一张纸,一支笔。然后让你准备1分钟。 这是可以写的。写下一些关键词帮助自述。当1分钟到了。考官要求开始,同时计时。这是你要keep talking and keep talking,停顿过长或频繁会扣掉流利的分数。一般是2分钟上限。建议1分半即可。太短会扣分。时间到了会示意停,中间不会打断你。 我还没说完就到时间了。可总感觉没到时间。内容不够。第三部分,考官结合第二部分提问你一些深奥的问题。此时不可匆匆答题,要有拓展,有自己的看法。一般4句以上就可以了。完了之后就完了。。。。。好好准备哦,多看看前几天的口语试题。重复率很高的。




口语考试是使参赛者感到最害怕和担心的部分,因为参赛者必须在口语考试中直接面对考官。但是,你绝对可以自己练习这项技能。因此,今天TESTURU将综合一些雅思考试中经常问到的问题,供你参考和练习!Warm up热身口语测试之前,你应该微笑地和考官打个招呼,这是最有效的帮你变得自信,更从容地参加考试的建议。你可能会被考官询问以下的问题:Could you show me your card please?Could you tell me your full name please?What shall I call you?Does your name have any special meaning?Is your name important to you?Do you love your name?Are you a student or do you have a job?Could you tell me about your typical day?学习What is your major?What are you studying?What do you like most about your study?Why do you choose it?What kind of job do you prefer after ?工作What do you do?What is your job?What are your main duty?How do get your job?Are you satisfied with your job?What do you want to change in your job?What do you like most about your job?家乡Where are you from?Where do you come from?Where do you live?Can you tell me some famous or scenic spots in your hometown?Can you tell me your hometown’s history?What was it like growing up there?Is there any special dishes?Is it easy to travel to your country?住房Where do you live?Do you live a house or a flat?Who do you live with?Is it a big place?What is your favourite room?Do you have garden?Is there anything you want to change in your house/flat/apartment?Do you plan to live there long time?家庭How many members in your family?Do you all live in the same house? Why/why not?What do you like to do with your family?Who is your favourite member?What things do you like doing together?友谊Describe your friends.Do you have any best friends?How did you meet him/her?How long have you guys been friend?What do you like most about him/her?How often do you see each other?婚姻How long have you been married?What is the attitude toward marriage in your country?Do young people in your country plan on getting married in your coutry?What do you think about getting married soon in young ?What are some of the / of marriage?Is the disvorce rate high in your country?Do you think people should be allowed to get divorced?食物Do you like eating?What is your favourite food?Do you enjoy cooking? Why/why not?What types of things can you cook?Is it an important part of your culture to have dinner partners?Do you prefer to eat with other people or on your own?音乐Do you like music?What kind of music do you like?Who is your idol? Why do you love him/her?Do you know how to play ?What is your favorite ?What kind of music is popular in your country?衣服和时尚Do you care about fashion?What kind of things you normally wear?Are there any clothes in your country?Have you ever bought clothes online?What is your favourite item of clothing?色彩Do you have a favourite color?What is your favourite color?Do you think colors affect our moods?Can you learn anything about a person from the colors he/she likes?Do you like the same colors now as you did when you were a child?休闲时间What do you do in your free time?Do you like to do these alone or with other people? Why?How long have you been in these ?兴趣What is your hobby?How long have you had this hobby?Why do you have this hobby?What are good hobbies and bad hobbies? Why?旅行Do you like to travel?What kind of places have you visited?What is the best place you have visited?When did you visit it?Where is this place located?What language is spoken here? Do you speak this language?Why is this place special to you?节日What is the most important festival in your country?How do people celebrate this festival?What special food is with this festival?Do you think festivals are important for a society?幽默What type of do you find funny on TV?What kinds of thing make you laugh?Do you like to make people laugh?外出Do you like going out or staying at home?How often do you go out?Do people in your country usually socialize?What kind of is popular in your country?准时的习惯Are you often late?Is being late in your country?How do you feel when someone is late for an with you?邻居Do you know the people who live next door to you?How often do you talk to your neighbor?How is your with your neighbor?Do you think that neighbor is helpful to your life?吸烟Do you smoke?Is smoking harmful to your health?What do you think of smoking in public area?Do you think smoking should be abandoned?体育运动Do you play any sports?What is your favorite sport?How often do you play sport?Is it important for children to play sport?电影Do you enjoy watching film?What is your favorite film?Do you often go to the cinema?Do you prefer watching film at home or going to the theatre?天气How is the weather today?What is your favorite type of weather?What is the climate like in your country?Do people change in summer?Is there any types of weather that you do not like?Does bad weather effect transport in your country?正领国际教育更多干货请关注公(微)众(信)号“正领国际教育”正领睿学专注于A-level、IB、AP、GCSE、VCE等国际课程全科辅导,并提供英国G学笔面试及国际竞赛辅导。更多详细问题可添加正领Abby老师“ZLRXAbby”微信免费咨询


大家好,我是Yolanda。之前在知乎分享了我的一系列雅思备考心得,获得了上万点赞。时隔半年登录收到了很多人参考我的攻略后发来的报喜,谢谢你们的支持!上次整理的《雅思听力场景词汇3000+全面汇总—剑4-15最新版》也受到了广泛的好评。很多人呼吁出一期雅思口语题库的素材整理。努力的Yolanda:雅思听力场景词汇3000+全面汇总—剑4-15最新版正在看的你或许正在茫茫的雅思口语题库中挣扎?或许正在为一望无边的雅思口语题海素材而苦恼?雅思口语到底该怎么准备?雅思口语题库去哪里找?大海捞针式得一题一题准备的确是一种方案但第一前提是要有足够的时间成本很多考生的情况是——辛辛苦苦准备了两个月的答案,还没考出理想分数的时候,换题季又来了......(此处省略100+奔溃表情包)此外,不怕一万(准备旧题)就怕万一(新题)万一考场遇见了自己没准备的新题,心态容易瞬间奔溃如此看来题海战术是一种战术,但绝不是高效的战术通过对雅思口语题库的分析,我们其实可以发现,所有的题目归类汇总之后也就聚集于几个话题中,且这些话题也正是我们日常生活中常常碰到的。只有对雅思口语的各个常见话题的语料词汇有了整体把握之后,才能做到心里有料,口中有词,才能在考场做到融会贯通,以不变应万变。为此,这次我特意对9-12月的题库进行了话题的分类汇总,并补充了每一个话题的常用词汇语料,助大家通关雅思口语!真的是一个一个话题梳理,在英文原版材料中寻找合适的表达。一共近1.8W字的雅思口语手册来了!以Part1和part2 为分类对象,将9-12月的雅思口语题库分为了地点与住宿类、人物+人际交往类、娱乐爱好类、自然环境保护类、日常生活类、学习就业+经济发展类、文化艺术科技+教育公益类等七大类,在每一类的后面都加入了适用的语料词汇表达。部分语料词汇整理展示在part1和part2 分类话题和词汇表达的基础上,我还对每一话题里的part3问题进行了分析,找出了具有代表性的,有逻辑性的(如对比类、利弊类、问题解决措施类)一些问题进行了词汇的补充。部分内容展示如下整理很辛苦,请大家珍惜成果,好好用起来呀~


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