2013-04-10  点击:

Shirley 苏州沃尔得国际英语中心 贴身顾问
Self-introduction of Shirley:
Hello, everyone. I’m Shirley. I’m a Suzhou girl. People first saw always told me, "You’re typical of a girl from south to Yangze River.” Most of the time, I’m quiet, absorbed in books and movies. However, I also like sports, which doesn’t mean I’m good at it. I enjoy doing yoga and jogging just for relax.
Steve Jobs once said “stay hungry, stay foolish”. I like this sentence because this exactly describes what I pursue---- always being hungry for knowledge. That’s why I chose a university in Nanjing where I can get access to something interesting outside Suzhou on my own. That’s an exciting journey of discovery.
I enjoy teaching here and I’m happy to meet you all.
stay hungry, stay foolish

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