深圳韦博国际英语培训中心 英语入门班

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  • 课程原价:¥6000
  • 网报价格:电询
  • 开课时间:滚动开班
  • 结束时间:2024-05-04




Web International Program is comprised of 8 stages: Icebreaker; Threshold; Beginner; Lower Intermediate; Business-intermediate; Intermediate; Business-Advanced; Advanced. Progressive study objectives are set for each stage to effectively guide students toward mastery of the language.

入门 Icebreaker
To be able to use some words and grammar, to make simple conversations.

基础 Threshold
To be able to learn some English language patterns, to talk about daily activities.

进阶 Beginner
To be able to give personal information with the past, present and future tense. Basic language ability of living abroad.

中级 Lower Intermediate
To be able to decribe daily life with simple sentences and to talk freely with English speakers about daily activites.

中高级 Intermediate
能够在任何场景中进行交流,熟悉语言结构并掌握在工作环境中运用英语的能力。 To be familiar with the language struture and to be able to use English competently in a number of different situations.

商务进阶 Business-intermediate
To enlarge business vocabulary, and to be able to communicate in English in typical business situations, such as meetings, negotiation and # areas include: customer service, manufacturing, marketing , finance, and so on.

商务高级 Business-Advanced
To be able to use complicated and analytical expressions, focused on topics such as business negotiations, polocy making, and activity design, business writing is also emphasized.

专家级 Advanced
To be able to talk about all daily activities as well as academic subjects. To achieve the language ability of a near native speaker.



Web International Business course has been designed to provide you with the skills and confidence required to deliver the cutting-edge business English. By the end of the course, you will be able to master the business English language skills you need. It aims to improve listening and speaking of learners and to develop students’ communication skills and enlarge their knowledge of the business world. The course, incorporating practical topics on finance, trading, corporate management, etc. and heated discussions on topics like globalization, e-commerce and innovation, distinguishes itself by opening with content-relevant famous sayings and unfolding through plentiful case studies and role-plays.


1. Work and leisure
2. Problems in a company
3. Business Trip
4. Food and entertaining
5. Sales
6. People skills
7. Markets
8. Companies
9. The Web
10. Cultures
11. Jobs
12. Careers
13. Selling online
14. Companies
15. Great ideas
16. Stress
17. Entertaining
18. Marketing
19. Planning
20. Managing people
21. Conflict
22. New business
23. Products
24. Globalization
25. Brands
26. Travel
27. Advertising
28. Recruitment
29. Foreign Trade
30. Innovation
31. Organization
32. Money
33. Ethics
34. International marketing
35. Management styles

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    深圳韦博国际英语培训中心 英语入门班
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