
2015-12-18 11:32:49 1300

    津桥国际学院出国留学优质品牌,北京津桥国际学院,是北京华钜津桥联合商务咨询有限公司是集出国留学、海外培训、合作办学、预科教育和中外文化交流于一体的专业化、国际化、现代化教育集团。总部毗邻中关村高新技术产业园区,依托北大、清华、加拿大和澳大利亚4个海外分支机构和*30家分公司、办事处,初步形成了津桥品牌服务网络化覆盖。Beijing of guangzhou ferry bridge groom, of guangzhou ferry bridge groom has thirteen years successful experience of overseas and nearly 20 countries around the world more than 500 school high quality education resources, Beijing, guangzhou ferry bridge groom is vigorously support of enterprises, government and education department for 13 consecutive years college acceptance rates and visa rate remained above 98%, 15 years zero complaint, won the industry and the public's widespread praise.


Beijing brilliant of guangzhou ferry bridge groom proud

Training of guangzhou ferry bridge groom 15 years of history, 1000000 students, who is apparent. About 3000 students in the Beijing of guangzhou ferry bridge groom more than eight points. 80% high marks in the ielts toefl test venue in the country students from all over the international school of guangzhou ferry bridge groom. Course updates year by year, the first ielts 7 divide into classes, Cambridge bo decryption class, VIP one-on-one ielts, toefl private lessons more clueless.津桥15年培训历史,1000000学子,谁与争锋。北京津桥约3000余名学员获得8分以上成绩。在*雅思托福考场中80%高分学员出自各地津桥国际学校。课程逐年更新升级,首创雅思7分班,剑桥真题解密班,VIP一对一雅思,托福私人课程更独领风骚。


Beijing international authoritative attestation of guangzhou ferry bridge groom



Learning of guangzhou ferry bridge groom in Beijing, the source of struggle


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