
2011-06-01 17:06:38 560


朗阁(青岛)培训中心 李萍
地道的习惯表达(idiomatic expressions
在考官眼中,能拿口语高分的考生所掌握的词汇不光要比其他考生更加丰富,多变,而且表达也要更加地道才行。但是好多考生却被地道的习惯表达给吓跑,以为所谓地道,就是要记忆大量的俚语甚至方言,其实,考官指的这些习惯表达通常是看似不起眼的动词词组(phrasal verbs),说他们不起眼是因为,这些词组往往看起来简单至极,但因为它们一般不能按字面意思理解,所以组合在一起时往往让你一时摸不清意思。可是这些看似简单的习惯表达在雅思听力中却比比皆是,可见口语中老外会高频率地使用它们,那么接下来朗阁海外考试研究中心将和考生们一起向雅思听力取取经,选取常见的习惯表达,看看如何会让我们口语符合老外的口味,变得更加地道。
Ø idiomatic expressions with “GO”
Go for
And then we go for ones where we know there are guided tours, because this gives a good focus for the visit.
Did you get as far as discussing which form of data collection we should go for – questionnaire of interview, isn’t it?
But actually, I think I prefer this lighter shade here-“sky”.
I think that’s popular too.
I think I’ll go for that.
Well, I’d go for something like Context Review. What do you think?
在以上雅思听力真题的例子当中,”go for”的意思都倾向于”choose”或者”like”,这在我们口语真题中是很常用的,因为在雅思口语真题中有大量的题目都需要表达关于偏好,选择,未来计划等等的。
1. be pertinent or relevant or applicable
同义词:apply, hold
2.   give an affirmative reply to; respond favorably to
3.   intend with some possibility of fulfillment
4.   have a fancy or particular liking or desire for
同义词:fancy, take to
5.   make an attempt at achieving something
同义词:try for
Part 1
What kinds of programs do you like?
What are the ways to relax yourself?
What do you usually do in the evening?
What kind of shopping do you like?
What kind of music do you like to listen to?
Part 2
Describe a famous person who you would like to meet.
     You should say:
           who this person is
           how you first came to know about him or her
           why this person is famous
           and explain why you would like to meet this person
Describe a machine or electrical (or electronic) device you would like to buy.
           You should say:
           what special features you would like it to have
           how you know about
           how much it would cost
      and explain why you would like to buy it.
Describe a job you think you would be good at.
        You should say:
        what job it would be
        what skills you would need to do this job
        how you would get this job
and explain why you think you would be able to do this job well.
Part 3
Of the two branches of learning, the sciences and the humanities, which is the more popular choice of study in your country?
In the future, what changes do you think we will see in people's leisure activities?
What kinds of work are the most popular choices for young people today?
If you were going on a trip, what essential modern technology would you take with you, and why?
Do people in China prefer long-distance travel or short trips?
Go over
Sure. Well, let’s get started right now. let’s go over the instructions.
And he will be going over a plan of the conference centre with you, which will help you to orient yourselves.
1. hold a review
同义词:review, survey
2.   examine so as to determine accuracy, quality, or condition
Go through
Maybe I’d better go through the article again, just to be sure.
He will also go through the security arrangement with you and show you the fire exits.
1. go or live through
2.   apply thoroughly; think through
同义词:work through
3.   pursue to a conclusion or bring to a successful issue
Go around
We usually go around with an envelope during coffee break, don’t we?
1.   become widely known and passed on
2.   turn on or around an axis or a center
同义词:revolve, rotate
3.   avoid something unpleasant or laborious
Go up
I was thinking in terms of about60-80 a week, but I’d go up to a hundred if it was something special.
1. move upward
同义词:rise, lift
2. increase in value or to a higher point
同义词:rise, climb
3. move towards
4. travel up, "We ascended the mountain"
Go on
Now, before I go on to health implications of this way of life, I’ll say something about food and nutrition.
1. continue a certain state, condition, or activity
同义词:continue, proceed, keep
2. come to pass
同义词:happen, occur, pass
Go ahead
Well… that seems ok… it’s quite a bit lower than I’ve been paying up to now…
Great… so would you like me to go ahead with that?
1. proceed (with a plan of action)
同义词:plow ahead
Ø  idiomatic expressions with ”Deal”
Deal with
Because a number of them deal with the same issues.
Now, let’s deal with assignment questions.
So the counseling services we offer deal with any problem arising from your studies…
They very rarely deal with corporate crime.
It’s very interesting because they are in the middle of problems at the moment and I want you to track how they deal with them…
So how should managers deal with this?
Yes but what’s important is that managers are able to deal with quite high levels of personal stress.
在以上雅思听力的原文中,deal with 频繁出现在不同的场景中,分别涉及到——
dispose of, manage, handle
What's the greatest difficulty you've had at work (or, in your job)?
How did you solve this problem?
What do you use computers for?
What are the benefits of using computers?
Do you need any special facilities in your school subjects?
Do you prefer individual learning or group learning?
Part 2
Describe a machine or electrical device you would like to buy.
Describe a job you think you would be good at
Describe an occasion when someone gave you important help in a difficult situation.
Do you think students need to gain some work experience before they start working full-time?
Why do you think we often see particular types of people doing particular types of work?
What can the government do to help protect water recourses from pollution?
what ways (in what areas/in what situations) do young people need help?
And in what ways do old people need help?
Cope with
And of courseyou have to cope with all this without your usual social network – you know, the social contacts, family and friends you could normally rely on for help.
This is aimed at upgrading the study skills most school-leavers have and help them cope with the increased demands of university study.
Cope with的意思于 deal with是接近的,不过可以用来表示成功处理或应对更为严重的问题或事物。在应用于雅思口语时可用于关于crime,environment pollutions,social problems
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