
2010-12-19 10:04:44 2120


  利兹英语(LEEDS ENGLISH)是一所经由市教委批准的正规办学机构,拥有一支高素质的专业师资队伍,外籍教师来自以英语为母语的*,他们拥有专业资质,经过严格培训、筛选。



   我们愿把雄伟的奔宁山的问候,秀丽的艾尔河的声音带到您的身旁, 帮您开启英语学习的旅程,激发您的灵感

    LEEDS ENGLISH is a professional English language school that has developed a series of comprehensive English programs to suit a range of individual needs. Students here are going to be equipped with the skills to build a solid foundation at different stages of their language development in the four main areas such as reading, writing, speaking and listening. With advanced multimedia technology, a number of different salon courses, English movie classes, as well as English Corners, students can learn in an exciting, dynamic and enjoyable environment with our qualified teachers. please join LEEDS ENGLISH!

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